Convenient, Efficient, Affordable Operations

The Georgia Statewide Maintenance Contract 99999-001-SPD0000154-0001 (SWC) provides a single source for preventive/scheduled and corrective/unscheduled maintenance services for Georgia’s public entities. By utilizing a standardized platform that captures accurate data with ease, CGL and DOAS have been successful in improving both operations and cost savings for those we serve.

The buildings operated by most Georgia agencies are in various states of repair. Alternatives that lower building maintenance cost, improve reliability and improve quality must be considered in the new economic reality. One such alternative is to contract complete building maintenance services management.

Lowering the “Total Cost of Ownership” for State and Local Governments
CGL’s statewide contract maintenance program can save significant cost, improve quality, and reduce risk for Georgia State public entities.
CGL’s outsourced maintenance program is managed to realistic goals and shows significantly reduced operation and maintenance costs by improving overall building conditions.
As a participating Agency, you will benefit from:
Low markup on materials for corrective maintenance repairs
Improved facility life and operational performance
Dedicated staff to meet the preventive maintenance needs of all facility equipment
Reduced rates of equipment failures and facility operational downtime
An overall labor rate that is 11% below the industry average
On-site facility staff and managers supported by regional managers and technicians for fast, complete service
24/7 response to maintenance issues within each facility to protect life, safety, and operations
Access to a Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS) that provides the ability to predict, define, and track repairs