Step 1

Agency should contact CGL to schedule a site visit.

Step 2

CGL will engage with Agency personnel to perform walkthroughs of facilities and obtain the required information from which to develop solution and a cost proposal. Typical information obtained during the site visits starts with an understanding of the desired services such as HVAC, plumbing, electrical, fire life safety equipment, elevators, pest control, landscaping, etc. Once this is understood, specific information will be obtained through request or during a visual inspection on the walkthrough.  

Step 3

Within 7 to 14 days after completion of the site assessment visit, CGL will prepare and submit a fixed priced cost proposal using the information obtained during the site visit. The cost proposal will include cost for Facility Management, all Preventive/Scheduled Maintenance and resident staff that will be available to perform Corrective/Unscheduled Maintenance per the terms of the statewide contract. If a Computerized Maintenance Management System implementation is desired, a onetime start-up cost will be presented for this system.

Step 4

The Agency will reach final agreement on cost, terms, timeframe of any transition period and any other additional Agency Terms and Conditions through negotiations with CGL

Step 5

Agency will submit a Purchase Order/Contract to CGL based on the agreed upon terms and conditions as a result of negotiations. CGL will create the Amendment documentation for the Statewide Contract and submit to the Agency for signature.